Bibliografia publikacji pracowników
Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Białej Podlaskiej

Baza tworzona przez Bibliotekę Akademii Bialskiej im. Jana Pawła II.

Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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Nr opisu: 0000036267
Autorzy: Izabela Wielewska, Marzena Kacprzak, Agnieszka Król, Agnieszka Anna Siedlecka.
Tytuł pracy: Human Capital in the Aspect of Raising Innovativeness in Rural Areas
Tytuł całości: W: International Scientific Days 2018 : "Towards Productive, sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems" : Conference Proceedings / ed. Elena Horská Zuzana Kapsdorferová Marcela Hallová
Miejsce wydania: Prague
Wydawca: Wolters Kluwer ČR.
Rok wydania: 2018
Strony zajęte przez pracę: S. 1810-1823
ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6
Charakterystyka formalna: referat w materiałach pokonferencyjnych zagranicznych
Charakterystyka merytoryczna: konferencja naukowa międzynarodowa
Język publikacji: ENG
Liczba arkuszy: 0,7
Praca recenzowana
Słowa kluczowe ang.: human capital ; innovations ; innovativeness ; rural areas ; support instruments
Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii.
Streszczenie: The aim of this article is to show the importance and necessity of improving the quality of human capital in the aspect of increasing the level of innovation in rural areas. The key problem is, first of all, waste of human capital and difficulties in shaping awareness and desirable attitudes among residents of rural areas. The desk research method was used for the analysis. Human capital and innovations form a network of interrelationships and dependencies, and the conducted research and analyses aimed at better recognition of said dependencies allow to formulate and direct further research. The development of human capital and care for its quality as well as the associated increase in innovation of rural areas is the primary goal of EU member states' policies. This can be seen in various newer and newer solutions and implemented projects as well as the number of institutions participating in their implementation. More and more attention is paid to the needs and problems of various social groups in rural areas, e.g. senior farmers, where effective use of the potential of this group is becoming a challenge in the face of an aging population. As part of improving the quality of human capital and the innovativeness of rural areas, not only financial assistance but also widely-developed advice is available. There is a need to deepen research in order to clarify the correlation between the quality of human capital and the innovativeness of rural areas, including the search for newsupport instruments.
Projekt/grant: : działalność statutowa WNET PSW

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