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Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Białej Podlaskiej

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Nr opisu: 0000033204
Autorzy: Danuta Jolanta Guzal-Dec.
Tytuł pracy: The concept of homo cooperativus in the implementation of sustainable development by local governments on the natural valuable areas in the Lublin voivodeship
Tytuł całości: W: Sustainability of rural areas in practice : conference proceedings from International Scientific Conference / ed. Ladislav Mura, Monika Bumbalová, Monika Gubáňová
Miejsce wydania: Nitra
Wydawca: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Rok wydania: 2016
Strony zajęte przez pracę: S. 190-198
ISBN: 978-80-552-1574-7
Charakterystyka formalna: referat w materiałach pokonferencyjnych zagranicznych
Język publikacji: ENG
Słowa kluczowe: homo cooperativus ; społeczeństwo obywatelskie ; zarządzanie ; współpraca ; samorząd lokalny
Słowa kluczowe ang.: homo cooperativus ; civil society ; governance ; cooperation ; local municipalities
Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii.
Streszczenie: The concept of homo cooperativus, as well as civil society, is considered a catalyst for the implementation of sustainable development. The local level is, however, a basic level of the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable development. Local authorities are therefore expected to present an open attitude to cooperation and activities aimed at building a civil society. The aim of the study was to analyze the scope and forms of cooperation of local authorities with local and supra-local entities, with particular attention to initiatives aimed at the development of a civil society. A diagnostic survey was used with an interview questionnaire addressed to mayors of 30 municipalities of natural value in the Lublin voivodeship (Poland). The study was conducted in 2013. A significantly higher level of activity was demonstrated in cooperation with other local governments than with local actors from the social and economic sectors. Therefore, a model was proposed for supporting the implementation of the concept of homo cooperativus in rural communities. This model can be used as a universal tool for stimulating the implementation of sustainable development by local governments.
Projekt/grant: Ekologiczne uwarunkowania i czynniki rozwoju funkcji gospodarczych na obszarach przyrodniczo cennych województwa lubelskiego : Narodowe Centrum Nauki, 2011/01/D/HS4/03927

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